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Bosque Seven Permanent Art Collection

A discussion on each painting in the Bosque Seven Art Collection.

Videos by Will Godby.

Bosque Seven Paintings

Bosque Seven Paintings

Bosque Seven Paintings
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Bruce Greene, CA on "In the Brazos de Dios"

Bruce Greene, CA on "In the Brazos de Dios"

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Old Reese Barn by Melvin Warren, CA

Old Reese Barn by Melvin Warren, CA

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George Hallmark on "Stories Untold"

George Hallmark on "Stories Untold"

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Bosque Seven Collection
An Enduring Legacy

Featuring Original Art by Nationally Recognized Bosque County Artists:

James Boren, CA (1921-1990)
George Boutwell

Tony Eubanks
Bruce Greene, CA

Martin Grelle, CA
George Hallmark
Melvin Warren, CA (1920-1995)

Made possible through the generous support from:
Tom & Patricia Chambers  |  Jeff & Janice Conner  |  Bob & Kay Lane  |  Lhoist, North America

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